Press Releases

Guaranteed Linked Notes Provide RSP Solution For Today's Risk Averse Investors

Toronto, Ontario - January 31, 2006

Today's unpredictable stock markets have left many Canadians wondering how they can securely invest for their retirements. This RSP season, there is a solution for risk averse investors. By choosing to direct their contributions to a guaranteed linked note (GLN), they can receive returns linked to various high-income or growth-oriented investments with 100% protection of invested capital, the potential for a higher level of returns and in some cases, an automatic daily 'profit lock-in' that guarantees any profits.

According to ONE Financial's president and CEO, Jeffrey O'Brien, a GLN offers investors a choice with less risk than mutual funds or income trusts and greater return potential than other guaranteed investments, such as GICs. "During the past few years, investors have become more conscious of the uncertainty associated with investing in growth-oriented investments," he says, "at the same time, they've also been disappointed by the low returns of traditional safe harbours like GICs. ONE Financial's GLNs offer exposure to a wide range of growth and high-income oriented investments with complete security. And, the 10 notes offered in ONE Financial's GLN family present the depth and breadth to build a diversified portfolio across 10 different investment classes. It's the ultimate in RSP investing."

The ONE Financial Profit Lock-In Notes™ and the ONE Financial Profit Lock-In & Cashflow Notes™ offer 10 different notes in a number of different investment classes, including Gold, Energy, Dividend Income, Income Trusts, Asia and other various regional growth options. In response to changing market conditions or personal investment objectives, investors can switch between the classes at any time. ONE Financial's notes also lock-in profits on a daily basis guaranteeing at maturity the highest value achieved at any point during the term. Further, the notes' are structured to provide the potential for enhanced upside returns by delivering up to twice the exposure to those underlying investments. ONE Financial's notes are guaranteed by BNP Paribas, the world's sixth largest bank.

Says O'Brien, "With these notes, people can invest for retirement with absolute confidence, simply because market downturns don't pose the same threat as with non-principal- and profit-guaranteed investments. Because of this unparalleled level of security, ONE Financial's GLNs are changing the RSP vehicle landscape."

ONE Financial Corporation is focused on providing Canadian investors and their financial advisors with innovative wealth management solutions. Since pioneering the introduction of the first stock-market linked note to all financial advisors and their investors across Canada in 2002, ONE Financial has raised more than $250 million in this exciting asset class. The company is headquartered in Toronto, Ontario and is one of Canada's fastest growing investment firms.

Important Information

Important details about each of the Notes are described in each product's Master Information Statement and the relevant Information Statement Supplement (the "Offering Documents"); investors should obtain and read carefully a copy of the relevant Offering Documents (available on request) prior to investing, paying particular attention to the risks associated with an investment in the relevant Notes.